Fire Resistant Homes
Pre-designed Home Plans

3d kitchen model

3d kitchen model

3d kitchen model
This is the most simple, fireproof, easy to build, energy-efficient, non toxic house I can design. It's designed to help people have an inexpensive, efficient, safe place to live.
This home is designed to be built out of solid concrete, cast in insulated forms, coated with fireproof stucco (U-stucco), with a concrete roof (covered in plants, or metal), and with tempered and insulated windows, which can be covered with concrete fire shutters, and with roll up metal doors to protect the sliding glass doors.
This home is 1200 square feet, 3 bedrooms, and 2 baths. We also have a 1200 square foot 2 bedroom 2 bath model, and a floor plan made to be built into a hill, with the entry door on the side. Additionally, we have a few different front elevations, which change the look of the front of the home.
The 1200 square foot size is significant, because it can be built as an accessory dwelling unit on almost any property in California, it's an easy size to get a mortgage for, and it's a sufficiently sized house for a family to live in.
This home is designed to my fireproof specifications, which are based on thousands of hours of research of building materials, and science. Santa Cruz Architect, graduate of California Polytechnical Institute, Jim Allen-Young created the architectural drawings. Kristina Joy Honda from Carmel California developed the space, and created these renderings in her free time using Chief Architect. The engineering is being performed by Rex Arashi, of Nevada City, California. Rex has a B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from UC Berkeley, and an M.S. in Structural Engineering and Geomechanics from Stanford. Rex was also a concrete contractor and recently completed building his own ICF concrete house.
My goal is to be able to build these houses efficiently and sustainably, and I believe these structures have a better chance of surviving wildfire and other natural disasters.
Jim Allen Young - Architect
Rex Arashi - Engineer
Insulated Concrete Forms
ICF is a system of formwork for reinforced concrete made with thermal insulation that stays in place as a permanent interior and exterior substrate for walls, floors, and roofs. The forms are interlocking modular blocks that are dry-stacked and filled with concrete. The blocks lock together like Lego bricks and create a form for the structural walls or floors of a building. ICF construction has become commonplace for low rises, commercial, and high-performance residential construction as more stringent energy efficiency and natural disaster-resistant building codes are adopted.

Why ICF?

The combination of foam and concrete means a home build with ICF will help save money on energy bills every year. The energy savings comes from the increased R-value of the foam. Stick built homes may have an R-value of 9, ICF homes have an R-value of 17 to 26, making them much more insulating.
STC rating of 50+ (or more if combined with other sound reduction materials).
ICF homes are able to provide a tight building envelope, which eliminates moisture and condensation. This leads to a healthier home with better indoor air quality.

Concrete does not break down until it is exposed to thousands of degrees Fahrenheit which is far hotter than in the typical house fire. ICF and solid concrete walls can be subjected to continuous flames of up to 2300° F for hours and still be standing.


Stick Built

Blue means no heat loss
Red means heat loss
Sod Roofs
Sod Roofs and Green Roofs have been used for thousands of years, only recently being replaced by tile, metal, then petroleum-based roofing materials. Sod Roofs and Green Roofs are more resistant to fire, better insulating, have more thermal mass, create more habitat for nature, reduce the amount of heat generated by homes, and look great. Above are some pictures of Sod Roofs and Green Roofs and below is a link to a Wikipedia article with lots of great information and construction details. I hope that we can return to our roots and begin building things again out of natural materials, from local resources, designed to resist anything mother nature can subject them to.
We believe that the customer gets the best value, assumes the least risk, and has the most enjoyable experience by entering into a design-build construction agreement. Hire us as a design-build general contractor and we will help you with selecting and working with an architectural firm, engineering, permitting, and financing.
We can help you design and build the home of your dreams in the most efficient, fastest, and streamlined way possible.
Please visit the following link to learn more about the design-build process.
Green Constructors believes that the best thing we can do for the environment in California is to build Fireproof or Fire Resistant homes that are non-toxic and use little or zero non-renewable energy.
In addition to the tragedy that lost houses bring to individuals and families, burning structures pollute the air and water. Rebuilding requires the manufacture of more building materials and puts more trucks on the road. That is not “green.” We wish all communities could build homes, buildings, and neighborhoods that improve the land and the earth and keep people healthy and safe. Building Fireproof homes out of non-toxic materials, that are designed to last for an extremely long time with very little maintenance is very environmentally friendly, and it keeps people healthy and safe.
We believe that all people deserve to live in homes that are safe, healthy, and comfortable, so we strive to keep our costs very low through intelligent and simple designs. We have been able to match or beat other home builder’s prices, even with our superior structures. We have designed a few models of a simple structure using the most advanced, safest, durable, and most healthy building materials available. This home is designed to be able to be constructed very quickly, on a variety of sites in remote locations.